Automobile coverage consists of liability and physical damage coverages. Automobile liability coverage protects your organization when a person is injured or a person's property is damaged as a result of an occurrence that's automobile-related. When emergency vehicles are covered for physical damage coverage on an agreed value basis, you choose the agreed value for each vehicle.
If you commandeered a vehicle for an emergency situation, coverage is provided as follows:
- primary liability coverage, and
- primary physical damage on an actual cash value basis.
Incurred towing and labor expenses not to exceed 200 miles of disablement.
Additional 25% of the loss to cover the costs you incur in bringing the repaired or replaced parts into compliance with the latest safety standards.
Your employees or volunteers are automatically protected, when using their own vehicles on behalf of the insured organization at the time of an accident as follows:
- excess liability coverage is provided over their own personal auto liability coverage limit
- reimbursement of their personal auto physical damage deductible, or, if no personal auto physical damage coverage, will pay up to the actual cash value of their vehicle.
Deductible Waiver applies for covered losses under multiple VFIS policies.
Recertification included in claims settlement.