VFIS of North Carolina Claims Service
VFIS and VFIS of North Carolina take pride in our responsive claims handling. We are available throughout the process for information and support.
For Property & Casualty, Accident and Sickness, and/or Group Life Claims
Please contact your Agent or VFIS of North Carolina at 919-755-1401 to report all claims.
You can also email us at admin@vfisnc.com or fax 919-755-1125
For After-Hours Emergency Service
You may report claims directly using the phone number listed below:
VFIS Glatfelter Claims Management

For North Carolina Firefighter Cancer Benefit Program Claims
Please complete the claims information form by clicking the on the link below.
For assistance, contact VFIS of North Carolina at 919-755-1401 or email us at admin@vfisnc.com.


To Submit NCSFA Benefits Claim
Please complete the claims information form by clicking the on the link below.
For assistance, contact VFIS of North Carolina at 919-755-1401 or email us at admin@vfisnc.com.